BEd 2nd Year Paper 2022 Bundelkhand University

B.Ed. 2nd year previous papers 2022 Bundelkhand University

                         B.Ed. - 2491 
                  B.Ed. (Second Year) 
                Examination - 2022 
Historical Perspectives Of Indian Education
                   Time : Three Hours 
                   Maximum Marks : 80 

Note : Attempt questions from both Sections as directed. 

                          Section - A
            Short Answer Type Questions 

 Note : Attempt any seven questions. Each question carries 5 marks.                     7×5 = 35 

1. State the defects of Vedic Period Education.
2. How were the Teacher-Pupil relationship in ancient period?
3. What were the five main recommendations of Macaulay's Minute?
4. What are the effects of recommendations of the wood's Despatch on Indian Education?
5. Describe the effect of recommendations of the Radhakrishnan Commission on University Education.
6. What were the reasons for setting up the Kothari Commission?
7. Discuss the restructuring of Secondary Education at different levels and the system of Primary Education.
8. Evaluate the National Policy on Education, 1986.
9. State the features of Right to Education Act, 2009.
10. What do you mean by Universalisation of Education?
                           Section - B 
              Long Answer Type Questions 
  Note : Attempt all the three questions. Each question carries 15 marks. 

1. Throw light on aims of Vedic Period education.


“Macaulay’s minute gave a new direction to the history of education in India.” Comment.

2. What are the limitations of University Education Commission Recommendations ?


What is National Education Policy, 1986 ?

3. What are the main hurdles in making primary education free and compulsory for all children upto age of 14 ?

  Discuss the main problems of Secondary Education and suggest their remedies.

                           B. Ed. - 2492 
                       B. Ed. (Second Year) 
                     Examination - 2022 


                       Time : Three Hours 
                    Maximum Marks : 80 
Note : Attempt questions from both Sections as directed. 

                         Section - A
            Short Answer Type Questions 

 Note : Attempt any seven questions. Each question carries 5 marks.                    7×5 = 35 

1. what do you mean by Video Conferencing ?
2. What do you understand by Virtual Class-room ?
3. Write the full form of C.C.T.V & O.H.P.
4. What is the meaning of I.C.T . ? 
5. Write a short note on the types of educational communication.
6. Write the educational uses of audio recording instruments in teaching-learning process.
7. What do you mean by online educational resources ?
8. Write the principles of micro-teaching.
9. What are the main components of educational communication?
10. What do you know about the social media ?
                        Section - B 
              Long Answer Type Questions 

Note : Attempt all the three questions. Each question carries 15 marks.                 3×15 = 45
1. What is the nature of I.C.T. ? Describe the main functions of I.C.T. in educational system.


Write short notes on any three of the following:
(a)  Open learning
(b)   P.S.I
(c)   C.A.I.
(d)   Web-based learning

2. What do you Understand by Educational Communication ? Describe its nature , concept and types.

Write short notes an any three of the following:
(b) Blended learning
(c) Micro-teaching cycle
(d) Team teaching

3. What is the role of electronic media in the advancement of educational system?


Write short notes on any three of the following:

(a) Major components of Educational communication
(b) Types of blended learning
(d) Functions of  I.C.T.

                          B.Ed. - 2493 
                     B.Ed. (Second Year) 
                     Examination - 2022 
                 INCLUSIVE EDUCATION
                        Time : Three Hours 
                       Maximum Marks : 80 

Note : Attempt questions from both Sections as directed. 
                        Section - A
            Short Answer Type Questions 

Note : Attempt any seven questions. Each question carries 5 marks.                  7×5 = 35 

1. Describe the need of Inclusive Education .
2. Discuss the role of teacher for making inclusive education interesting.
3. Write the characteristics of learning disabled children.
4. Discuss the role of the family in inclusive education.
5. How can you identify the children of special need in a a normal class– room situation ?
6. Write a short note on Emotionally disturbed children .
7. Define the steps of Inclusive lesson plan in short .
8. Explain the characteristics of curriculum of inclusive education.
9. Discuss the efforts for inclusive education .
10. Explain the difference between normal and exceptional children.
                            Section - B 
              Long Answer Type Questions 
Note : Attempt all the three questions. Each question carries 15 marks.               3×15 = 45 

1. What are the problems of socially, economical and educational disadvantaged ? Discuss the Government efforts to solve their problems.

Highlight the strategy for adapting diversities in inclusive education. Define diversity also. 

2. Define special features of class-room management in inclusive education and explain class-room management's need and importance for disable children .

Highlight in detail the role of family and society in facilitating Inclusive education.

3. Define discrimination and describe in detail the discrimination based on disability in Indian context.


Describe in detail the differently abled children in inclusive eduction.

                           B.Ed. - 2496 
                       B.Ed. (Second Year) 
                       Examination - 2022 


                       Time : Three Hours 
                       Maximum Marks : 80 

Note : Attempt questions from both Sections as directed. 
                           Section - A
            Short Answer Type Questions 

 Note : Attempt any seven questions. Each question carries 5 marks.                  7×5 = 35 

1. Throw light on the main principles of guidance.
2. Explain the meaning of Educational Guidance. Describe its importance.
3. What do you understand by Rating Scale ?Describe in detail .
4. What is Sociometry Technique? Describe the uses of sociometry technique.
5. What is meant by a Gifted child ? Describe the general characteristics of a gifted child.
6. What do you mean by Backward child? Describe the causes of backwardness.
7. Describe in brief on the philosophical bases of counseling.
8. What are the three parts of counselling ? Describe in brief.
9. Explain Aptitude Test .Give any one  example of aptitude test .
10. Describe in detail Achievement Test.
                           Section - B 
              Long Answer Type Questions 

Note : Attempt all the three questions. Each question carries 15 marks.                  3×15 = 45

1. What do you understand by Guidance  ? Discuss the nature and objectives of guidance. 

What do you mean by Vocational Guidance ? Discuss the scope and nature of vocational guidance.

2. What is Cumulative Record ? What are its type ? Describe in detail.


What do you mean by Curriculum? Explain its need and the relation between curriculum and guidance.

3. What do you understand by Counselling ? Discuss the features of counseling . Explain the need of counseling at different levels of school.

What is intelligence test ? Describe a comparative account of individual and group tests of intelligence.

                       ALL THE BEST 

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